05/27/12 Paying the Price for Speaking Up (Archive)

3 years ago

BOND Sunday Service, May 27, 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson talks about all hell breaking loose after he told the truth about women taking over worldly power. Most people overreacting could not express why they disagreed. Men know he's right, but are too weak and cowardly to speak up. Women who don't hate men can be logical, but they should speak up as well. When you get rid of resentment, you can live guided by the light. We need men in charge, keeping society and laws sane, not overprotective women who support abortion while treating adults like babies.

Throwback Sunday Services premiere on BOND YouTube channel Wednesdays at 4 PM US Pacific Time (7 PM ET).

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/05-27-12-paying-the-price-for-speaking-up-archive/

0:00 Sun, May 27, 2012
1:09 Memorial Day 2012
1:52 All hell broke loose
4:01 No one can dispute
5:32 Right but don't say it?
9:19 Men selfish, scared
12:52 Falsely accused man
14:54 Men know but won't say
15:57 Victim mentality; spiritual
17:51 Ann Coulter defended JLP
20:40 When it became taboo
22:03 Ann thinks like a man
23:37 "It's the current year!"
25:44 Should women have rights?
28:34 Agree? Restore the order
32:07 Guided by the light
33:20 Evil rules instead of good
37:21 Are you afraid to speak?
38:28 Helmet to ride a horse?
43:38 Plowing the field
45:17 Women, or liberal women?
46:56 Nice mean Socialist woman
48:37 Watch fear to overcome
50:41 Public shame: Slut?
53:34 Correct a woman?
55:53 Diane Watson, mama spirit
58:26 Forgive and live
59:09 Support BOND

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM Pacific Time at BOND in Los Angeles, California, USA - http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | AUDIO https://soundcloud.com/rebuildingtheman/silent-prayer

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