Paul Mason: SLEEP better without drugs! Use simple habits & hygieneI

3 years ago

Interviewed by Dr Mariela Glandt
May 2020

Sleep hygiene...simple things

"What time do you go to bed?"
if cannot answer, its probably not regular

irregular bedtime is like jetlag:
takes 3 weeks to reset body clock

to function optimally, you need:
-the same bedtime consistently
-enough sleep time (8 hours minimum)

maybe 8.5 in bed so sleep
is 8 full hours

circadian rhythm:
most rigid is the time you wake up

Example: weekend, stayed up late, tired in morning,
but can't sleep in.

To get full 8 hours, get to bed earlier

simple rule:
-pick time need to wake up each day
-count back 8.5 hours
-that is your bedtime
-keep this strictly

ideal sleeping temperature: 19c (66f)!
-cool? yes, but get a nice duvet
-don't share duvet with partner!

use proper lighting!

bright lights suppress melatonin secretion, so:
-late evening: no overhead lights
-use low light or red lamps
(red light doesn't suppress melatonin)
-light filter on phone

sleep habits:
-separate duvets

I don't like drugs (melatonin as supplement is great)

"z" drugs induce parasomnia, blocks dreams,
have side effects

benzodiazapine affect same receptors
alcohol and are addictive

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