Apr 30 Black Moon in I Pet Goat. Proj Janus beast system. Nibiru, Ba'al & End of World in Thundarr?

2 years ago

BANNED FROM YOUTUBE before I could even publish it. April 30th Black Moon depicted in I Pet Goat 2, plus some other things I found that I haven't seen anyone talk about.

- What is a Black Moon, where is mentioned in the Bible, and what's it mean to satanists

- Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon's end of days and Nibiru opening? Episodes about the fall of America and the statue of liberty as the abomination of desolation.

- Project Janus in Judge Dredd and Utopia tv show is real?! Janus Utopia serum will kill 95% of population, and militarily control the remaining 5%.

- Janus virtual open world environments is really Hedera Blockchain , and they're building the matrix you won't be able to wake up from.

- Janus hospice and clergy training for end of life management of those that die from COVID

- Twisted satanic movie titled Black Moon by Janus Films incl scenes of hedonism w/children

- Thundercats Mumm-ra character was an Egyptian god, and the only "human"

- Apocalypse from XMen presented as god

- Eternals are fallen angels, and their version of god, Arishem the Judge who appears in the clouds with the sound of a trumpet

- Hourly Watch channels video on April 30th Black Moon

- Wake Up and Smile SNL skit on complete societal breakdown when a teleprompter fails, showing how quickly people will revert to conditioned behaviors.

So much blasphemous comparison of themselves to God, I can't mention everything, (like the Avengers finger snap being a reverse version of the rapture for example). I just stuck with what fit for me in this video, and to help control file size.

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