My Good Neighbour(s)

2 years ago

My Good Neighbour

My good neighbour
Won’t say hello in passing
He saw my Facebook
And thinks I am a fash-y
And though I’d try to convince him otherwise
I’m persona non grata
in his eyes

If you’re to the right
Of Mao and Che Guevara
Be quiet, shut your mouth
You must be careful
Because the social justice mafia
Will stop at nothing
To achieve utopia

You must renounce
Your cis-het white privilege
Or you’ll get bounced, you’ll get doxxed
You’ll be finished,
And if you don’t convulse with hatred
forthe Orange Man,
They’ll accuse you of belonging to
the Klan

If you think free speech
needs a safe space,
You might just get an
Antifa fist in your face,
That the leaders of opinion,
call a brave act of resistance
In the name of tolerance
and peace

If you’re not “Woke”
You won’t get hired at Google,
And you might face a
Human Rights Tribunal
And if you fail to surrender
To thre gender benders
You’ll be declared a sex offender

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