Naturopathic Philosophy - Interview with Dr Jared Zeff

2 years ago

Dr. Jared Zeff is a licensed doctor of naturopathic medicine and a licensed acupuncturist. In addition to maintaining a private practice, Dr. Jared Zeff currently teaches at the Bastyr University, College of Naturopathic Medicine in Seattle.

Dr. Zeff is considered a traditionalist, practicing a classical form of naturopathic medicine. He began a private practice in McMinnville, Oregon, based around obstetrics and family medicine.

He was named “Naturopathic Physician of the Year” in 1989 for his contribution to the development of naturopathic clinical theory. In April, 2002, he was given the first Lifetime Achievement Award of the Northwest Naturopathic Physicians Association for his contributions to naturopathic medical education. 

For more on Dr Zeff, see

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