Putin Updates Trump on Ukraine Cleansing - Real Raw News

2 years ago

Putin Updates Trump on Ukraine Cleansing – Real Raw News
Written by Michael Baxter of Real Raw News
Narrated by Diane St Laurent - Canadian Independent Researcher searching for her brother born 1956, in Montreal, Quebec Canada.
Vacationing with Vladimir Putin in Siberia ITV News clip
Russian Aircraft Volga-Dnepr was in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on a Humanitarian Mission photo credit, Daniel Lapierre Forget
Thank you to all the photographers that leave special notes and provide us with spectacular images of the aircrafts and airports.
NAV Canada has no right to deny Russia to extend their Humanitarian Mission.
The Russian Spetznas , freed over 5,000 child trafficking victims.
Quote from RRN
Moreover, our source said Putin’s kindness toward American children has cemented Trump’s belief that Putin’s mission, at least in part, is righteous and just. Five American children who had been imprisoned in Ukrainian child trafficking camps have returned home, reunited with their families. Additionally, Putin has given Trump irrefutable evidence that Russian forces had selectively targeted bio-weapon storage buildings while taking great pains to avoid causing civilian casualties. That evidence is said to include photographs and videos that the MSM refuses to air.
As of Putin’s last update, the Russian military had tracked down and “eliminated” 7 of 19 bio-weapon engineers, and Spetznas had freed over 5,000 child trafficking victims.
What is an edict meaning?
Definition of edict
1 : a proclamation having the force of law.
2 : order, command we held firm to Grandmother's edict— M. F. K. Fisher.

VPCVS – International Jet Management Antartica Bound from Punta Arenas.

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