Brandon Bean 4 Sheriff & He Will Overcome Toxic Dept Culture 4-25-22 B

2 years ago

With We the People working with the Sheriff - a real person - not a Deep State Strawman Placeholder for the Corporation!!! A real person for real problems to make changes for real people. Being a leader does not mean being away from the Sheriff's Office all the time! It means being engaged, problem-solving, getting ideas from the Sheriff's Office employees, testing what works, throwing away what does not work, being emotionally present in the job, having skin in the game, keeping the agenda pure - PROTECTING THE CONSTITUTION - KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE - GOING BACK TO THE BASICS! In government, there is way too much focus on agendas that have absolutely zero to do with the job (like being "busy" and gone all the time!!!). Brandon Bean wants to be on the job and working. Wow! This should look like a miracle once he is in office!!! :) We the People can hardly wait! Looking forward!

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