Republicans Cheer As Demented GOP Candidate Demands Fauci Be Executed By Firing Squad

2 years ago

Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman John Bennett wants Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci to face fatal repercussions for his actions during the Covid Pandemic. Bennett is also known for wanting to take away reservation territories from the Muscogee Nation in Oklahoma where he is running for Congress. The Majority Report crew joined by Matt Binder and Brandon Sutton discusses how the Right instead of celebrating freedom from mask mandates, wants to oppress actually marginalized groups instead.

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This is an Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman John Bennett talking about Anthony Fauci. And it’s a death threat. [External video] This same man John Bennett is running for Congress and recently came under fire from indigenous communities in Oklahoman because he has been calling for disestablishing reservation territories for the Muscogee Nation in Oklahoma. So, that’s the kind of guy he is. I just can't get over all these “yeah they force the vaccine mandate down our throats” what happened to those? But it feels like a mandate because the liberal establishment says im irresponsible, so that's the same thing as a mandate in an authoritarian regime, that's what they conflate, right? There's no recognition, oh the authoritarianism mask policy that you said was putting us on the train tracks for a new Jim Crow, well that's gone now. I mean at least celebrate. I just don't understand why none of these freaks are celebrating. Well, he said that the bureaucrats forced vaccine mandates and mask mandates. The mask mandate, maybe you can make a claim that was actually mandated, but the vaccines were not mandated. Even if you say its for restaurants, even then it's not active anymore. The tyranny is over. They need to be victims so that they can fundraise from their supporters that are too deep to understand what's actually going on.

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