Daily chess puzzle 8 - should white resign? part 2

2 years ago

Welcome back to chessmess!

This video is the daily chess puzzle for Saturday 23rd April 2022.
Try to find the best move within the given time.
Once the time is up, I will give you a walk through and explain the solution.

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In today's puzzle, it is white's turn to move.
The question is whether white should resign, or try to force a draw.

Here is the FEN: 8/8/K7/8/7N/7p/7k/8 w - - 0 1
All the puzzles to date: https://lichess.org/study/1Kd7Eqer
Today's puzzle: https://lichess.org/study/1Kd7Eqer/k3Nkti6V

chess.com: fortmap


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