God is fed up with the wicked and lukewarm church people

2 years ago

God told Noah go and get your wife and sons and their wives and enter the ark for i am tired of the wicked and will send a flood and will drown them all, so Noah and his wife and sons and their wives entered the ark and the Lord shut them in and sent a flood and everything that lived died , then the men of Sodom went to lot house and said lot bring out the two men you brought into your house bring them out for we want to have sex with them but lot said my friends do not do this wicked deed but have my daughters and they said this man came as a stranger and who made him judge we will treat him much worse and rushed to knock the door down but the two angles pulled lot inside and blinded all the men of Sodom and said quick get your wife, daughters or anyone else who is related to go and flee Sodom and Gomorrah for we have been sent to destroy it, Lot went to his son in laws and said we must leave Sodom it will be destroyed but they laughed at him, dawn came and the angels grabbed Lot, his daughters and wife and said flee to the mountains and do not look back for you will be turned into a pillow of salt but lot said please let me get to Zoar and they said very well we will wait but you must hurry, lot changed his mind and went into a cave and the Lord poured out brimstone and sulfur down on Sodom and Gomorrah and everything that was in the plains and nothing lived, but lot wife looked back and got turned into a pillow of salt, then there will be great tribulation that the world has never seen or ever will see again, God has had enough with the lukewarm church people and the wicked!!! Then the sixth seal was broken and there was a great earthquake the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the moon turned blood red and the stars fell to earth as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind, the sky recorded like a scroll, rolling up and every mountain and island was removed from it's place, then the king's of the earth, the princes, the general's, the Rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hide themselves in a cave and among the rocks and said fall on us fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come and who can stand?

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