They're Dismantling Our Civilization

2 years ago

Because We The People failed to rise up against the COVID-19 PSYOP and the worldwide political and economic takeover by the unelected elite, and the thirteen [Edomite] central banking families whom they work for, the collapse of civilization as we once knew it, is now imminent.
In this video, Alex Jones lays it all out in an epic InfoWars broadcast made early in 2022, as the COVID-19 PSYOP was being wound down by our unelected overlords at the United Nations.
I don't normally archive Alex's shows. I just listen to them every day, just like you should. However, this one was particularly interesting, or I wouldn't have bothered saving it and sharing it with you. It's one of those trademark, 30-minute rants of his, that not only articulates our circumstances at any moment in time, but also describes how we got herded there.
Few other presenters other than Alex Jones can deliver a gripping, 30-minute monologue without a teleprompter telling them what to say. As a fellow East Texas Country Boy, I can totally identify with Alex's Populist worldview and his common sense sensibilities, which he and I both share. In fact, Alex is just like millions of other freedom-loving Texans. The only difference between us and him is that he has a God-given talent for oratory, and we don't.
I rant just like he does when I can find a willing ear. However, he's way better at it than I am. LOL

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