Saints and Sinners

2 years ago

Krystal's mom divorced when she was 8, and then married a pedophile when she was 9. In this interview, we talked about how that family dynamic impacted her life and how she was able to turn it around and now use her experience to empower women and people of color.

About our guest: Krystal is a Feng Shui Designer & Clutter Expert who helps work from home entrepreneurs declutter and design a workspace that empowers them to create the life & business that they want.

Using her proprietary framework The Designed Life Methodâ„  Mind, Body, Soul, Home, she helps her clients design spaces & lives they love.
Krystal shows women how to use their workspace as a 3D vision board to help them design who they are becoming & the life they want with it, right into their space.

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ABOUT YOUR HOST: Soul Powered Executive Coach Tess Vergara is an expert in enlightenment and higher self-awakening, and a Certified Master Strategy Coach, Strategic Interventionist, NLP Practitioner, and Behavioral Assessment Coach. She is the creator of Soul Powered Executive Coaching, which addresses the conflicts many executives and changemakers face between mind and heart, soul and ego. She guides leaders and changemakers towards achieving authentic confidence and unshakeable rock solid foundation so they can fully step into Soul Powered Leadership and create the Soul-aligned legacy, contribution, health, wealth and relationships their Soul came here to fulfill, contribute and enjoy.

Facebook @TessVergaraSoulPoweredExecutiveCoach
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