Know 5 side effects of food supplements

2 years ago
When entering a gym, the first thing you see is a shelf with dietary supplements. The personal, gym owner or even a friend, supported by your enthusiasm to see changes, pushes you to one of these. You trust and buy without knowing the side effects of dietary supplements. Take it without guidance from a trained professional. So, what can happen?

In an age of perfect bodies and the hashtag #fitness on instagram, it is common to see more and more people investing money in dietary supplements. Both protein and those that promise weight loss. 100, 200, 300, 600 reais. The goal is to gain mass and lose weight, regardless of the path you take to get there.

It turns out that taking food supplements without medical and nutritional guidance is a trap. The personal trainer, most of the time, has not studied nutrition, so he cannot pass supplementation. Just like the gym owner, your friend, relative, yoga instructor, etc. The personal does not know how to evaluate clinical exams, set up food planning and prescribe the right amount for the student. This is up to the nutritionist.

But in times where everyone is also a nutritionist, with a diploma through instagram, it's easy to earn commission on the sale of food supplements. The irresponsibility, however, is immense. If the patient has a liver problem, for example, the chances of incorrect supplementation will lead to serious consequences.

In 2014, three protein-based supplements were banned by ANVISA for having ingredients in their composition that are not accepted or whose amount exceeds what is prescribed by law. One of them even had 1,600% vitamin B12 and 325% vitamin B6, which practically made it a medicine.

A 2014 publication by Hospital Sírio Libanês brought worrying data in an article: 80% take supplements without having a medical indication, 56% start to ingest the product advised by a trainer, 6% take the supplement advised by a nutritionist and 25% take on their own. Only 6% follow the recommendation of a nutritionist, the best professional to indicate supplementation!

Of course, in some cases, you will need, yes, a protein supplementation, or a, then, a greater supply of a certain nutrient. But this is a trusted professional who will say and indicate, in the right amounts and at the right time.

In this post, we separate 5 side effects of dietary supplements so that you understand how this indiscriminate use of this product can be harmful. Check out!

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