Zero Carb Eating Example

2 years ago

Hey guys! First, thanks for your follows, which have improved since I gave up my channel for reasons unknown 🤔 As you can see, I'm experimenting with editing my vids from my phone! Let me know if you like my first attempts. I hope to improve....

This day I ate:
Burger patties
Low carb yogurt
Claussen* Pickles
Tillamook* cheese (which deserves the brand name mention)*

Now, that combination is weird AF, but if you eat each thing one at a time, they're not gross; but I believe they would be together. My fat to protein ration % were: 67% fat, 31% protein and 2% carbs. This is pretty standard but I typically run more like: 70+ fat, the rest protein and negligible carbs. I'm more "ketovore" now than strict carnivore but am being very conscientious about carbs and no oxalate atm.

I'm currently weighing in at #155.5. I hope to lose about another ten pounds through simple, "zero carb" eating without fasting (I've bumped up in the month I've been in WA, after Mazatlan). Going 16-20 hours without food is not [really] fasting to me. Going over 40+ hours, is. Perspective, peeps!

☞ If it was easy, everyone would do it.

😅 Follow me for interesting and anecdotal vids about my daily life +

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