No.1 - The Science Of Society

2 years ago

What are a few of the problems we face today?

Insufficient food and energy supply, race riots, continually creeping taxation, inadequate transportation, overpopulation, skyrocketing inflation, never-ending war, increasing crime, inadequate education, increasing unemployment, increasing pollution, Cancer, AIDS, and other diseases, political corruption and scandal. The list goes on and on.

Time passes and technology evolves but these are exactly the same problems that have been plaguing society for thousands of years. Yet, is there any record that these principle, these most fundamental problems have ever been solved, at any time, in history? Is it possible that our method of solving societal problems could be, in some way, defective? 

Join us for the first episode of The Rational Apprentice Podcast where we begin the process of isolating the SINGLE root cause of all of humanity's problems. The solution is attainable, but the root cause must be precisely identified—and that’s where the scientific method comes in.

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