Brainwashed Male Karen COVID Cult Masker Loses His Mind, Physically Assaults Costco Employee [VIDEO]

2 years ago

Red Voice Media Published April 27, 2022

News and Commentary
"Get away. You're threatening my life. Stay away. You are unmasked. I'm defending myself."

By Zach Heilman
April 27, 2022

Thanks to the continuous efforts by the Biden administration to promote and push their outlandish COVID-19 agenda the divide in America seems to have grown. Although President Joe Biden once claimed that he would unify the country as one, it seems that the last 16 months of him in the White House has done the complete opposite. Pertaining to the COVID-19 hysteria, mask mandates, lockdowns, and mandatory jabs have led people to take sides. And like most things political, it was only a matter of time before the hysteria drove someone to do something outlandish.

That moment, as can be seen below, came at a Costco when a masked customer decided to brandish pepper spray at an unmasked employee. Supposedly feeling threatened, the older man even pushed the employee as he got too close. What is even more shocking is the fact that the gentlemen can be heard stating, “Get away. You’re threatening my life. Stay away. You are unmasked. I’m defending myself.”

It is unclear as to what the older man was defending himself from.

While the mask mandate has become a hot topic of debate, host Bill Maher once joked, “When I see young people walking alone outside with the mask, I want to punch them.”

As mentioned above, the entire agenda surrounding COVID-19 and the Biden administration has led to numerous videos being uploaded of people being kicked off flights, removed from stores, and even arrested for not adhering to the idea that masks help stop the coronavirus. On top of the mask debate, Maher asked people who are considered “fully vaccinated,” “Do you keep the condom on after you f**k?”

Although the elderly man might believe he was defending himself, users online had a different take. “What a nut. If you feel that strongly about it stay home, delivery, curbside pickup. Everyone else has their own fears. They wouldn’t be all up walking around if it was killing them.”

Another one suggested, “I’d have smoked him the minute he aggressively approached me with a weapon. don’t bring breath spray to a firefight.”

And one added, “Too much fluoride in the drinking water making the comfortably dumb even dumber. Heck, COSTCO sells those pepper sprayers at bargain prices. Looks like the company that forced masks is seeing the result of blind compliance – their customers, who loved it are revolting because masks are no longer required.”

Warning of virtue signaling, a user concluded, “What…. Just another example of virtue signaling, woke 6 o’clock news zombi-ism on display for all to see. Another typical day in liberal utopia. If you maliciously spray someone with pepper spray in my state it’s 2nd degree assault. If you spray me, and I can still see you, you might just wind up with some extra holes…”

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