Lukewarm decide if you will follow Jesus or the antichrist!!

2 years ago

To the church in Laodicea write I know your works and you are not hot or cold but lukewarm and I am ready to spit you out of My mouth!! You say I am rich! I do not lack anything at all but In fact you are blind, pitiful, naked and shameful!! I am ready to remove your lamp stick ! Come to Me and I will give you clothes to cover your nakedness, mud to put on your blind eyes , Lukewarm you better decide between Jesus or the antichrist!! Your church going games are over and you are not playing games with God at all!! He is not fooled by your games at all!! In fact He hates it and the dead lukewarm church people who are playing church games then go to work and are gossiping, lying, stealing, sleeping around, yelling at each other and on Sundays act so perfect and think they will get to heaven on how many times they go to church, they are not real Christians at all!! They are not born again they just act like it and say do not judge us!! How dare you I go to church and am a good person!! Real Christians are being persercuted, attacked by the devil, the world, churches, home's, they get fired for not giving a cake to gays and loose their job, they are killed for not being a Muslim or communist in China or north Korea, they are not in churches but outside and we are not playing a game at all!! Jesus hates lukewarm dead so called Christians and after the rapture happens so many will have to decide between Jesus or the antichrist!! There is no middle ground at all!! That day ends when the rapture happens!! Your church going play games end and all the churches and bibles will be destroyed!! There will be one world religion and one world government and the worst persercution ever!! They will kill you if you do not worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast!! You better get ready for the worst persercution ever!! It is coming and you all will be here because you are not found ready or worthy to escape before the 7 year tribulation begins!! It is not a game anymore

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