Rand Paul Defends Putin's Invasion Of Ukraine

2 years ago

Republican Senator Rand Paul defends Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, saying the only countries Russia has attacked were former USSR nations. Secretary of State Antony Blinken responds in part by saying, "that does not give Russia the right to attack them.” The Majority Report crew discuss how Paul’s and essentially Putin’s way of thinking opens the door to a lot of complication as to how far back in time people are willing to go to justify imperialistic attacks. The MR crew also talks about Hilary Clinton's comparison of the Ukraine War to the Afghanistan War regarding Russian power as well as other imperial powers’ interest in the war.

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There was a clip of Hillary Clinton that we did, we talked about where she had equated Ukraine or the potential for Russia to meet a similar fate in Ukraine as they did in Afghanistan. And we talked about how this is you know problematic because you don't want the US to perceive this war in Ukraine as a mechanism to undermine Russia because it comes at the expense of the lives of human beings. Because think of the incentive structure the elongation of a conflict if you have people in power thinking this way and I think the reason that Hillary Clinton was going on Maddow's show at that time was to get the attention to some of the people in the bible white house like this is an opportunity to really weaken Putin here and it's some of it's just an insight into like the sociopathic way that a lot of our powerful actors in the US government view some of these conflicts as proxies for their own particular interests, the people on the ground be damned. And now we're seeing it's just a blank check really in terms of weapons going into Ukraine which I'm sure those same ghouls are happy about. Yes well, I mean that I mean and they're the ones who are offering that blank check and you know. Chomsky has during my brief coveted convalescence Chomsky was making waves by talking about this problem where the united states did not from his perspective do everything it could to diffuse the situation at the same time you know recognizing that Putin is to blame for this situation it is just a question of what would be the u.s reaction to this would it do everything it could to minimize death and destruction or would it contribute to the the the extension of the conflict as a way of diminishing Russia. With all that said there's another element here and that is the agency of Ukraine you know and this is the dilemma I think on some level that we face on the left and particularly you know the folks who have a problem with imperialism because this is no doubt Russian imperialism. There's also western imperialism that is involved here it's just one that is a little bit softer and it is softer. The question is you know how do you what do you do in this situation because should the united states use its power to force the Ukrainians to surrender and essentially give up their autonomy and their own agency to the Russian government?

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