US Gov’t & medias are hiding the truth in Ukraine

2 years ago

We witnessed false flag by US in HK in 2019. US Gov’t & medias are hiding the truth in Ukraine, Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris. 2019年我們在香港目睹了美國的偽旗幟行動. 美國政府和媒體在烏克蘭隱瞞真相

Who is telling the truth about Ukrainian tragedy? Russia is warning about manufactured crises and there is precedent for that. Newly-released videos show Nazi soldiers laughing about Western ignorance. Who is really ignorant? 誰在說烏克蘭悲劇的真相? 俄羅斯警告製造危機,這有先例。 新發布的視頻顯示納粹士兵嘲笑西方的無知。 誰是真正的無知?

We're being censored, and it's more important than ever to have a home away from these big tech oligarchs. That's why we built Please come on over and sign up for FREE, so we always have a way to stay in touch. 我們正在受到審查,遠離這些大型科技寡頭的家比以往任何時候都更加重要。 這就是我們建立 的原因。請過來免費註冊,這樣我們總有辦法保持聯繫.

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