Jesse Kelly vs Democrats & minor-attracted people (aka pedophiles)

2 years ago

Jesse Kelly gives us a powerful monologue on what the Regressive wing of the Democrat Party wants to do w/ your children. It has been my position for many years that the Democrats & their Progressive allies want to normalize pedophilia & hebephilia.

Good vs. evil, what will you choose?

Sam Seder's wife divorced him because he is mentally ill & made a sick comment about his own daughter & Roman Polanski

YouTube user McCainisthroughX #mcstupidx makes a stunning admission!

Atheists/naturalists have no objective moral ground to reject pedophilia/hebephilia, which might be why Democrats are embracing it

Jesse Kelly was on the Clay &Travis & Buck Sexton Show some months ago & said, "The Democrat voter w/ the Biden sign in his yard wants to put you in an internment camp & take away your kids."

That person also wants to hypersexualize your children & turn them into mentally ill transgenders & little homosexual. If you have kids & you have never attended a school board meeting, you better start.

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