Hi-Lux Malcolm 20x Vintage Scope

2 years ago

I review the Leatherwood Hi-Lux H.W. Malcolm vintage 20x scope. This is a replica of a classic Unertl scope design.

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*NOTE TO YOUTUBE REVIEWERS: This video does not show gun modification. No internal parts were modified or made to perform in an illegal manner. This is a single-shot rifle that can not be modified to hold a high-capacity magazine or fire at increased rate of fire. All configuration changes are original features to standard Olympic competition rifles. No promotion to gun or parts brands was given or implied. This scope does not offer thermal or night vision, heck this scope design is almost 100 years old!

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YouTube Music Library
TweetTomTom by P. Del Castillo used with permission

Edited on Apple Final Cut Pro X
Shot on Panasonic G85 and Samsung S7 and S21+
This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All demonstrations were filmed in a safe and legally regulated location. Do not try this at home without proper supervision. Portions of this video may have been filmed in a Law Enforcement shooting range supervised by a certified Range Safety Officer.

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