Letter 2 Dad(2014)

2 years ago

Ok, this is track right here is probably the biggest one I have out at the moment. It's defiantly a very deep song as well & to understand why I wrote it we need to go to what happened. The story starts as I enter 8th Grade at Memorial Middle School & as a 14 going on 15 year old Aspie I was having alot of mood swings & emotional issues. Along with that the summer before I hadn't been on a very good sleeping schedule & was up tell 4AM in the morning at times. That summer was a pretty busy & crazy one as I was recording my first EP "Mad Skillz" & a bunch of events where happening to people & me at the Apartments we where living at. When school started the not being on a sleeping schedule thing hit me like a ton of bricks & I was having many emotional issues at school that where slowing me from school work & had me skipping days. Finally by November 29th, 2012, I decided to take a much needed break & skipped a day of school, making it 8 days in total of missed days of school I had miss that semester. Even though the limit was 10 days before they could send out a truancy officer, they still sent him out early, & when he came to visit he saw the house was not in the best condition.
& the next day a CPS investigator & Police Officer came to our house to take me & my brothers from my dad. I slip out the house to go get Isaac & that's when I ran away & walked 2 hours to my then girlfriend's(more on this down below) house near Spring Woods High School. After I got there I used my then girlfriend's moms phone to call my dad & they gave me ride to my house where I stayed up all night & waited all day in hopes they would let my brothers go. But they scared & talked my dad into giving me up as well so thats when I entered the system as well. I started out at this one Foster House(I will never call them home) & was there for about 15 days tell I had a panic attack walking in to school one day where I threatened to hurt other people while threatening suicide at the same time & my foster mom & school had me sent to West Oaks Mental Hospital. In there I wrote about 7 songs to pass the time, to come up with more material for my future album "Strait From Tha Underground" & to express what I was feeling. One of them was this song "Letter 2 Dad" which I started writing when I asked the lady if I could send a letter to my dad & she said I'm not allowed, so I started writing a song to him & this was the main song I wrote. I finally came out of that mental hospital 26 days later on January 11th, 2013, & was placed at a new foster home. There I would continue to write more material for the next album "Strait From Tha Underground" & edit or write several drafts for the material I had, including this song & at school, I would use GarageBand on the iMac's in one of the class the school had to make both the beats for the song "Strait From Tha Underground" & this song "Letter 2 Dad". Finally, when I got out of CPS, on June 12th, 2013, I started recording the material I had for my album "Strait From Tha Underground", songs like "Strait From Tha Underground", Pain(Remake of Tupac Song)" & this song "Letter 2 Dad". I had to make a few changes to the lyrics, & I had to freestyle the last few bars of each verse to make the song fit but soon I had the recordings done. I started mixing & mastering & soon released the track at the end of the summer. Dad started promoting it heavily & by the summer of 2014, it was one of my biggest songs I have released so far. Even at this point it's still one of my biggest songs having a little over 1600 views on my old channel at the point of writing this(3-25-2017). Overall this song is defiantly a dope track & I would share it with people the best I can cause the message about CPS in it.
Note: The girl in the song I rapped about & shouted out "Brianna" was my girlfriend at the time of this recording. We had a weird on & off relationship(kinda do to CPS) that started around the fall of 2012 & lasted tell the end of the summer of 2014, when we broke it off for good. Just to let you know, me & her are not together anymore & haven't been since the summer of 2014 & won't be again. She is an ex of my now.

This song is available for download on both Soundcloud & Reverbnation. If you wanna download it or check out & download other songs by me & more check me out on:
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/mcjosiah
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/mc-josiah

Also check me out social media at:
Minds: https://www.minds.com/animelover123/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcjosiah4life/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRealMCJosiah

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