Who defines the alt-right? Those who control the discourse!

2 years ago

An academic experiment in how totalitarian social theories are infiltrating our society through the Academy:
Note that the howling left demands social conformity by constantly harping on the threat to social order posed by alt-right ideology without ever being able to provide a definition of precisely who they are referring to and what they mean by "alt-right". As a Classical Liberal in the English sense, I find the far left's reaction to be very telling. So, here's an experiment for my readers and listeners to try. Type Postmodernism and Critical Theory along with the name of any university in the Western World into a search engine of your choice then watch what that search engine will find. Virtually to an Academy Cultural Marxist Critical Theory and Postmodernism are being taught as viable and sensible socio-political theories. Then type Fascism or Nazism into the same search engine along with any Academy which comes to mind to discover how many are teaching actual far right totalitarian ideologies as viable socio-political theories rather than as disastrous experiments in totalitarian tyranny. I cannot find any Academy teaching them as viable socio-political theories, but I invite you to share with me links to your searches if you were able to find any which are doing so.
Postmodernism and Critical Theory are the actual threats that we need to be speaking about. Any sane tax paying citizen ought to be demanding that their legislators immediately cease to fund such courses and ensure that tenure is refused to any professor who teaches such dangerous Neo-Marxist ideologies as viable socio-political options to our youth. By this I mean that it ought to be fully encouraged to discuss and debate these ideologies but never to present them as a solution to constitutionally limited government, the Rule of Law, and individual freedom and personal autonomy for to do so is to undermine the underpinning philosophical foundation of Western Culture. The sovereign and accountable individual created in the Divine image is the bedrock for a free society. Let good ideas succeed in the greatest market of all, the free market of open debate where truly hideous ideas can be exposed for being the toxic ideologies that they are.

Every social collectivist society has invariably resulted in oppression and tyranny featuring uniformity of thought where dissenting opinions were crushed under the societal desire to create absolute social compliance and homogeneity. This is known by many names in various parts of the world, sometimes it is known as the nail which sticks up must get pounded down, crab-in-a-bucket syndrome, tall poppy syndrome, or Janteloven. No matter what we may call it, they all refer to the same mind worm, namely, to shut up and comply because you’re only a cog in a big machine! I for one abhor with a gut-wrenching flaming passion such cloying demands for marching in jack-booted lockstep like so many blind sheep herded by our leading psychopaths to ruin.

“. . .the totalitarian systems of the 20th century represent a kind of collective psychosis. Whether gradually or suddenly, reason and common human decency are no longer possible in such a system: there is only a pervasive atmosphere of terror, and a projection of “the enemy,” imagined to be “in our midst.” Thus society turns on itself, urged on by the ruling authorities.”

Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind

“The phenomenon we have witnessed in Germany was nothing less than [an] outbreak of epidemic insanity. . . No one knew what was happening to him, least of all of the Germans, who allowed themselves to be driven to the slaughterhouse by their leading psychopaths like hypnotized sheep.”

Carl Jung, After the Catastrophe

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