Eat Stop Eat - The Review

2 years ago

Eat Stop Eat Review – Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work?

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Today, I want to talk about a subject, a product more specifically that I am HIGHLY passionate about. The product is called Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon. He is probably one of the first people who has made this incredible intermittent fasting craze popular, and this is my review of this great product.
And THANK GOD he did. Because this thing JUST WORKS!
I’ll go over every atomic detail, but first download the product here:

So there are probably TWO BIG QUESTIONS you are wondering about:
HOW does it work, WHY does it work so well, and HOW do I do it?
Let me answer all of them for ya.
HOW does eat stop eat work?
Let me explain this VERY SIMPLY in 3 steps:
1. You fast for 24 hours
2. You eat “regularly” for 48 hours
3. You fast for 24 hours
4. Rinse and repeat

There are many variations to this intermittent fasting lifestyle, but this is the jist of how the so-called “diet” works.
WHY does EAT STOP EAT work, and why does it work so well?
There are many reasons, but let me explain it to you in two ways.
One: The simple version.
Two: The more scientific, evolution theory, and intricate version.
You choose which one you want to read. OR you can read both.

It works because when you are in a “FASTED” state, your body has no new nutrients to feed on, SO, in order for it to get you energy, it goes for your
Now, if you are in a fasted state TOO LONG, it’ll eventually go after muscle. But the eat stop eat book will tell you how long is too long, and how short is too short.
So for example, let’s say you have fasted for 24 hours (this diet is also known as the 5 2 diet). When you have fasted for this long, your body WANTS nutrients and energy, so it naturally uses your stored fat to create this.

THUS, resulting in FAT LOSS. WITHOUT doing ANYTHING!
ALSO, another logical explanation is this:
Say you are on a 2,000 calorie daily diet. Let’s not use the word diet, I hate that word.
Let’s try that again:
Say you EAT 2,000 calories a day.
If you have been fasting for 24 hours, that is 0 calories that you have had that day. ZERO.
And if you look at it from a WEEKLY perspective, accounting the fact that you fast two times a week, that would be two ZERO calorie days.

So on a typical “regular” persons week, it would look like this:
2,000 calories a day X 7 days = 14,000 calories a week.
A typical intermittent fasting diet persons week would look like this:
0 calories days (2) + 2,000 calorie days (5) = 10,000.
If you divide 10,000 by 7 to get your average “daily” calorie intake that amounts to:
1,429 (rounded up mind you) calories a day.
That’s LESS THAN going on a diet of 1,500 CALORIES!

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