Forbes, @RobertHart, Unvaccinated are Killing Fully Vaxed w/ COVID19

2 years ago

Robert Hart of Forbes, is a boot licker of tyrants. His pathetic article, that was VERY poorly written and not edited beyond a rough draft, seeks to whip up the frenzy of ´pandemic of the unvaccinated´ again.
Vying for favor and promotion by the reptilian power structure that he works for, Robert Hart is not ashamed to sell you out, sell himself out, and sell out every future generation for a little promotion and noteriety.
The accusation is preposterous on its face. Hart is saying that the 10-20% of remaining unvaccinated people are not getting sick, but the vaccinated are, and its because the remaining 10-20% havent been jabbed, not because the vaccine is making them sick.
So the answer is to come in our homes, take our kids away, and crack the hammer on us once again with lockdown 2.0. The reason why we all need to worry about this is because it is a plan. They are slowly turning up the dials of propaganda around covid, and by this coming fall or winter, every sneeze, cough, sniffle, sore threat, fever, and body ache will be labeled as ´covid.´
Will we stop this plan to crack down harder than before with new, stricter, constitutional shredding mandates under the guise of an emergency!?

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