Military Database Shows 1,000 Percent Increase In Neurological Diseases

2 years ago

Attorney Thomas Renz appears on Steve Bannon's War Room and discusses what three military whistleblowers -- Drs. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long -- revealed to him:

"This database shows a thousand plus percent increase in diseases of the nervous system in one year. We know that hasn't anything to do with COVID because if it was COVID you would have seen a bump in 2020. There was no bump in 2020. It wasn't until 2021. We see a 300 percent increase in cancer. There's no question. That bump wasn't there in 2020. They forced this jab. People are getting sick. People are dying. They knew . . . it was killing people and injuring people. There was no question about it. They've known it for well over a year . . . I am absolutely going to request that any attorney general that is willing take this [data] and begin criminal prosecutions, or at least investigations. I am going to be sending this to our congressional leaders and asking for immediate investigations there. And we are going to be sending it everywhere else. And, as I said, I will volunteer my time -- volunteer -- to share everything that we have and to help make the case that these guys belong in jail."


Comments At "COVID-19: A Second Opinion" Washington D.C. Senate Panel

"Our Soldiers Are Being Experimented On, Injured, And Sometimes Killed" By COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19: A Second Opinion – Washington D.C. Panel Discussion – January 24, 2022


Horowitz: Whistleblowers Share DOD Medical Data That Blows Vaccine Safety Debate Wide Open
By Daniel Horowitz
The Blaze
January 26, 2022

Data, transparency, and surveillance. That is what has been missing from the greatest experiment on humans of all time throughout this pandemic. Now, military medical whistleblowers have come forward with what they claim is perhaps the most accurate and revealing data set on vaccine safety one could possibly find.

The pro-pharma politicians and media claim the CDC's pharmacosurveillance tool "VAERS" is not good enough to trigger investigations into the shots because anyone can supposedly submit a vaccine adverse event entry. Thus, all the concerning safety signals from VAERS are being ignored, even though that system was put in place as a consolation to the public for absolving vaccine manufacturers of liability. Well, now some military whistleblowers are coming forward to present data that, if verified, would signal extremely disturbing safety concerns about the vaccine that make the VAERS data look like child's play.

On Monday, during Sen. Ron Johnson's five-hour hearing on a "COVID-19: Second Opinion," Ohio attorney Thomas Renz, who has been representing clients suing the vaccine mandates, presented DOD medical billing data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) that paints a shockingly disturbing picture of the health of our service members in 2021.

According to the military, DMED is the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch's (AFHSB) "web-based tool to remotely query de-identified active component personnel and medical event data contained within the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS)." In other words, it contains every ICD medical billing code for any medical diagnosis in the military submitted for medical insurance billing during any given period of time. Three military doctors have presented queried data to Renz that shows a shocking and sudden spike in nearly every ICD code for common vaccine injuries in 2021.

In a declaration under penalty of perjury that Renz plans to use in federal court, Drs. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long -- three military doctors -- revealed that there has been a 300% increase in DMED codes registered for miscarriages in the military in 2021 over the five-year average. The five-year average was 1,499 codes for miscarriages per year. During the first 10 months of 2021, it was 4,182. As Renz explained to me in an interview with TheBlaze, these doctors queried the numbers for hundreds of codes from 2016 through 2020 to establish a baseline five-year average. These codes were generally for ailments and injuries that medical literature has established as being potential adverse effects of the vaccines.

Renz told me the numbers tended to be remarkably similar in all those preceding years, including in 2020, which was the first year of the pandemic but before the vaccines were distributed. But then in 2021, the numbers skyrocketed, and the 2021 data doesn't even include the months of November and December. For example, some public health officials speculate that COVID itself places women at higher risk for miscarriages. But the number of miscarriage codes recorded in 2020 was actually slightly below the five-year average (1,477). However, they were not drastically below the average on any one category in a way that one can suggest it reflects lockdown-related decreases in doctor's visits, which somehow led to an increase in 2021 diagnoses.

The database has all the ICD codes for both military hospital visits and ambulatory visits. The data presented by Renz so far is all from the query of ambulatory diagnosis data.

Aside from the spike in miscarriage diagnoses (ICD code O03 for spontaneous abortions), there was an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses (from a five-year average of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021). There was also a 1,000% increase in diagnosis codes for neurological issues, which increased from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000!

Some other numbers he did not mention at the hearing but gave to me in the interview are the following:

- Myocardial Infarction – 269% increase

- Bell's Palsy – 291% increase

- Congenital Malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increase

- Female Infertility – 471% increase

- Pulmonary Embolisms – 467% increase



Related Links:

COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing

COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)

COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page

COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s

COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)

COVID-19 Magnetism, Graphene Oxide, UV Fluorescence

COVID-19 Testing, Face Masks, Vaccine Exemption Letters

COVID-19 Healing Resources

Censored, Sidelined And Villainized Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers Describe Their COVID-19 Experiences

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