No...It's Not China - Canadian Mayor BLASTS Dysfunctional School Board

2 years ago

Canadian Mayor BLASTS Dysfunctional School Board.

The full meeting is available at:



Mayor Marcus Ryan tore into the Thames Valley District
School Board (TVDSB), accusing them of being dysfunctional.

They proceeded to prove him right. Total deflection.

The whole thing was refereed to the strictest standards of parliament
by a so-called "parliamentarian" named Lori Lukinuk.

At one point Lukinuk outright declared:


A very odd declaration indeed. It carries with it, Orwellian
"Ministry of Truth" style overtones.

Mayor Ryan went on to point out that this declaration, effectively
banning argument and criticism from a board room, was a perfect
example of the dysfunction that he was there to address.

He questioned the very function and purpose of this Board Room itself.
This, of course, resulted in him being given the bum's rush.

In my opinion, Mayor Ryan is absolutely right.
It appears these trustees see themselves as royalty. Beyond debate.
Boardrooms are places that are set aside and intended for debate.
Argument, criticism and critical thinking are key components of every debate.


In the above declaration, it is not clear what "not allowed" means.
She did not cite any particular legislation so it remains a bit of
a mystery. It is assumed that she referenced the proper legislation
and written policies before presenting such a strange declaration.

It would be interesting to see ANY legislation or policy that bans
criticism and argument from ANY Board Room -anywhere. (Facebook maybe?)

She also applied the classic Liberal qualifier "IN ALL FORMS".
Typically, this is a Liberal virtue signal that roughly translates to:

** **

[ ahr-gyuh-men-tuh-tiv ]


1 fond of or given to argument and dispute; disputatious; contentious:
The law students were an unusually argumentative group.

2 of or characterized by argument; controversial: an argumentative
attitude toward political issues.

3 Law. arguing or containing arguments suggesting that a certain fact
tends toward a certain conclusion.

[ krit-uh-siz-uhm ]


1 the act of passing judgment as to the merits of anything.

2 the act of passing severe judgment; censure; faultfinding.

3 the act or art of analyzing and evaluating or judging the quality of
a literary or artistic work, musical performance, art exhibit, dramatic
production, etc.

4 a critical comment, article, or essay; critique.

5 any of various methods of studying texts or documents for the purpose
of dating or reconstructing them, evaluating their authenticity,
analyzing their content 6 or style, etc.: historical criticism;
literary criticism.

7 investigation of the text, origin, etc., of literary documents,
especially Biblical ones: textual criticism.

Parents won't have a chance in that room.

************************ HISTORY ***************************

On April 12-2022, TVDSB Trustee Corrine Rahman proposed an
edict in an attempt to override the rights of parents and
students, by imposing a mask mandate on all students in
contravention of provincial law.

Officials from the local Health Units attended:

Dr. Alex Summers - Medical Officer of Health - London
Dr. Ninh Tran - Medical Officer of Health - Elgin and Oxford

They told trustees there was a spike in COVID cases that can't be
confirmed and are not reflected in official figures because current
testing and tracking is unreliable. They referenced "waste water numbers"
and "absenteeism". They also referenced generalized hospitalization
data that did not differentiate between an Admission "with Covid" from
an Admission "for Covid". Overall, the input was somewhat vague and

Although, the current situation did not allow the health officials to
issue an edict, they did go as far as to "strongly recommend" masking.
They both feel masks are "helpful".

The Board was warned that a mask edict would be unenforceable and was
clearly beyond the board's powers, by both the Health Officials and
the board's legal council.

The vote ended as a tie but The Chair, Lori-Anne Pizzolato tried to
argue that a TIE is a PASS. Of course, common sense was applied and
the motion went down as defeated.

Supporting masks in class were:

Corrine Rahman (London)
Sheri Moore (London)
Peter Cuddy (London)
Carol Antone (Indigenous representative)
Bruce Smith (Elgin County)

Voting in opposition were:

Graham Hart (Oxford County)
Sean Hunt (Middlesex County)
Meagan Ruddock (Elgin County)
Arlene Morell (Middlesex County)
Barb Yeoman (Oxford County)


Laura Gonzalez (London)
Sheri Polhill (London)

Lori-Ann Pizzolato was not allowed to vote on her own ruling.

TVDSB Meeting - First Masking Debate - Apr12-2022


TVDSB says no to a local mask mandate amid staff shortages
Marek Sutherland - CTV News London Video Journalist - Published Apr12-2022



Corrine Rahman did not give up her crusade.

Thames Valley trustees to debate mask mandate a second time
Heather Rivers - Apr15-2022


Trustee Corrine Rahman Talks Masking Kids and RUNNING AS THE LIBERAL MPP
Karen Podcast -Apr 18, 2022 1:59pm



On April 19-2022, the Board again debated the motion.

In the end, the motion PASSED but it proved to be
UNENFORCEABLE and masks still remain optional.

The Board and members then issued a series of social media
posts concerning the decision that were incorrect and confusing.
This prompted the Mayor to become involved, questioning the
rogue behavior of the board.

Supporting masks in class were:

Corrine Rahman (London)
Lori-Ann Pizzolato (London)
Peter Cuddy (London)
Sheri Moore (London)
Carol Antone (Indigenous representative)
Laura Gonzalez (London)
Sheri Polhill (London)

Voting in opposition were:

Graham Hart (Oxford County)
Sean Hunt (Middlesex County)
Bruce Smith (Elgin County)
Meagan Ruddock (Elgin County)
Arlene Morell (Middlesex County)


Barb Yeoman (Oxford County)

TVDSB Meeting - Second Masking Debate - Apr19-2022


Thames Valley officials: Trustees' masks-in-class order 'unenforceable'
Heather Rivers -Publishing date: Apr20-2022


Victim Lori-Ann Pizzolato Talks about her Trauma
Karen Podcast -Apr 27, 2022 4:15pm


* I've done my best to be factual and this is presented only, as a point of view.
* Opinions and sarcasm are purely intentional.
* Please post any Corrections or criticism (ALL FORMS), in the comments section.
* Feel free to cut and paste at will.

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