20220427 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine with today's Liberty Minute.
Find more at Liberty-Lighthouse.com
The US Constitution is remarkable in many ways. In about 4500 words on four pages of parchment 55 men outlined a new form of government; the three branches, the powers of each, the people who will hold office, how they become office holders, and much more.
22 of those men, or 40%, were lawyers. They chose not to obfuscate the document with legalese and pages of clauses and conditions. They chose to write a document in language simple enough that we the people can read and understand it.
That was probably the last time a lawyer ever wrote anything simple. It was definitely the last time our federal government wrote anything with the understanding of we the people in mind.
Everything that comes out of Washington DC today is so convoluted that even the original intent is lost.
Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

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