CENTRAL BANKS Own YOU with Ron Mcdonald on Alex Jones

2 years ago

Alex Jones interviews author Ron Mcdonald and his Amazing book "They Own it ALL, Including YOU by way of Toxic Currency.

This is an IN DEPTH look into the secret LIENS attached to ALL Federal Reserve notes and by extension, nearly all other fiat currencies in the world that allows the SICK Secret international central bankers to activate an ownership clause called an Hypothecation, which is something attached to ships on the sea in Maritime law, to take ownership of ANYTHING and every ONE purchased with those dollars that were used since the FED OWNS all the money that is printed in the US. These central bankers are in EVERY Country in the world save a few which are nearly ALWAYS the countries that the US has listed on their "Terror enemies" watch list to. This is NOT a coincidence at ALL. 8/30/2009


1. You are legally a debtor and chattel (property) owned by a
hidden creditor.

2. There is a hidden lien on everything transacted for by or
with a Federal Reserve Note.

3. Your entire alleged wealth is/has been liened, you don’t own anything! You merely have possession by privilege. This
privilege may be yanked at any time if you don’t obey the real

4. The Federal Reserve Note is a foreign product owned by a foreign corporation, and not by you or the U.S. government.

5. The States and the United States courts are bankruptcy courts representing the interests and property of the foreign creditor.

6. Without knowing it, you have been compelled into international commercial law, where you have none of your
unalienable rights. Hence, you have been insulated from your
birthright, the common Law from which your rights are immutable.

7. You are charged an income (excise) tax for transacting in the foreign commodity known as Federal Reserve Notes.

8. You have been divested of the rights to, value of, and profits from your labor, which has been stolen.

9. Lawful gold coin (pre 1933) money transactions are invisible to the states and national government(s).

10. The real cause of Draconian governmental regulation and your loss of rights is the toxic currency.

11. The United States lost its sovereignty in 1933. It is in receivership to the hidden creditor. The bankrupt government
is a puppet to the real master, as declared by Banker Rothschild on the cover.

12. The real cause of the current economic calamity is the toxic currency.

13. The hidden creditor (international bankers) owns everything, including you.

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