About Socialism: Questions Answered on Socialism

3 years ago

I was asked several questions about arguments on socialism and decided to give my response. A brief summary of what I have covered is how far removed from reality socialists live in as they base everything off of theory rather than practice in the real world; the ludicrous projectionism carried out to try and exonerate socialism of the blame, as well as on Bolivia and Yugoslavia.

Socialists will have you believe that socialism is anything other than what the world has actually seen, and as I've spoken about, they attempt to relabel socialism at every given turn much like pointed out in Kristian Niemietz book 'Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies' as every time socialism was attempted, they would attempt to distance themselves and rename and redefine things.

Like I have argued numerous times, it is a waste of time debating socialists because you're dealing with people who refuse to accept reality, facts and are that far removed from reason they will move the goal posts constantly and redefine things. The purpose for why I do the videos I do is to reach out to people who are willing to learn, not those who are already far gone.

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