Create Well-being at the office and in life

2 years ago

Definition of good stress; crucial for you to incorporate it into your left side of the brain

#stress original meaning as the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change
Ways to create well-being vs. thinking "I'm combating stress at the office"
How is your self-talk?
Is your reaction conditioned? Is this experience you label stressful always stressful? Can you step back and ask yourself if it is true? Do I really believe it? is it always stressful?
Create healthy boundaries
I am good enough a sign you are stuck in the left side of your brain
Are you choosing your mood?
Can you take full responsibility for your place in life at this moment?
Be the guard of your mind; discipline your disappointment
Invite awareness reduces stress.
Summary, how do you label an event?
Stressful or with your new word, Eustress, good stress.

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