#BlameRussia and #SlavaUkraine #TrustTheScience The Lies of Ukraine and Covid are the same

2 years ago

I'll get right to the sources so you can do your own investigations rather than taking my word for it! first off the bat:

the Thumbnail is an interview with a Citizen of Mariupol receiving aid from the Russian and Donetsk forces. he is saying essentially "what was I supposed to do keep waiting in my basement and starve?" when interviewed about fleeing to the Russian forces.

United States Admits To Spreading Lies About Ukraine War from
The Jimmy Dore Show Link: https://youtu.be/C9_9iwv76mU

"US Government officials have revealed that, in an effort to counter Russian propaganda, the United States has been issuing propaganda of its own about Russia, Vladimir Putin and events in Ukraine. It’s a stunning admission from an administration that has consistently pushed the line that Russia is the only source of propaganda that matters in this conflict. Meanwhile, the American media passes along this revelation as a great strategic move from the US, as opposed to what it is, a major disinformation campaign."

Russia Appoints "The Butcher of Aleppo" As Commander in Ukraine from HistoryLegends channel: https://youtu.be/aGuK9xVw7EA

Oh and the ISIS terrorists that attacked Syria for 14 years got TONS of help from the West: https://youtu.be/kwjE4o3x1qM

Mariupol: Azov Brigade's Last Stand Falls to Russia by Richard Medhurst:

ANyways hope you enjoy my content. I make zero money from this.

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