Why Gnostic Jews trying to build the third temple is a part of World War III Ezekiel 37:28.

2 years ago

The end of men's days means the second coming of the Lord's. In 340AD Satan encouraged leftists' leaders that they could be like God and give to the world bibles, religions and kingdoms Gen. 3:4-5. The Lord had warned Adam that mankind would die spiritually or go into the spiritual dark ages the day they stopped obeying the objective truth from God Gen. 2:17, as only the Spirit of God could give to man the hidden will of the Lord Eph. 1:9; 1 Cor. 2:11! So evil Catholics gave to the world a strange fire Lev. 10:1 and gave up truth, salvation and the kingdom 2 Thess. 2:10 and the covert operation began that would last for 1700 years 2 Thess. 2:11. But in 2022AD the Lord would give to mankind a 2,000 year old warning to come out from among the kingdoms, religions and bibles of men because the Kingdom of God would once again break up and consume the kingdoms of men Rev. 18:4: Acts 17:30.
So the last great battle in the last great war is identified as happening in Babylon-Rome and it is a battle of Gnosticism versus the moral standards of God. Evil Gnosticism or the evil moral standards of men are: evil denominationalism, evil fascism, evil environmentalism etc.
While it is almost the end of evil men, for those who overcome the moral standards of men during the last 40 years of Christian spiritual warfare Rev. 2, 3. the best is yet to come and for about 750 more years in the second coming of the Lord AKA the second age of the Kingdom Eph. 2:7; Ecc. 7:8.

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