AQUATIC ET BODY found on the beach of PLAYA VENAO?!?!?!

2 years ago

AQUATIC ET BODY found on the beach of PLAYA VENAO?!?!?!

Proof: Cellphone footage from Playa Venao Beach, Panama

What is this thing?? It might be either one of the two below listed ET SPECIES... though there are several ET bases deep inside our oceans.

#1 In 1982, during a frogmen training exercise in Lake Baikal, the divers encountered a group of strange underwater swimmers. The aquatic humanoids were enormous (more than ten feet tall) and, despite
swimming in frigid waters, they wore nothing but tight-fitting silver suits. Although the beings were spotted at a depth of over 150 feet, none of them wore anything resembling scuba gear. They only
had sphere-like helmets concealing their heads.

Well, the local military commander (quite alarmed by such encounters) decided to capture one of the creatures. With that purposal in mind, a special group of seven divers, under the command of an
officer, had been dispatched.

As the frogman (wondering who are frogmen... see your answer below) tried to cover the creature with a net, the entire group was thrown out of the deep waters to the surface by some powerful force.
Now, because autonomous equipment of the frogmen does not allow surfacing from such depths without strict adherence to the process of decompression stops, all of the members of the ill-gated expedition
were stricken by aeroembolism, of the Caisson disease. The only remedial treatment available consisted of an immediate confinement under decompression conditions in a pressure chamber. They had several
such pressure chambers in the military region, but only one in working condition. It could contain no more than two persons.

These are possibly the AQUATIC HUMANOIDs or EBE HUMANOINDs who originate from the various UNDEROCEAN bases which has been shown on GOOGLE MAPS in MULTIPLE POSTS in DISCLOSURE album...

Who are "Frogmen"?
In the early 1980’s, Lake Issik Kul became the go-to place for Soviet testing of torpedoes, underwater missiles and military diving equipment. It was also one of the places where the Soviet military
conducted periodic training of the recon divers known as “frogmen”. Another location was the already infamous Lake Baikal.

#2 Sea Monkey like Aquatic Beings?
It had very sharp needle teeth. The skull looks sort of like a Rhesus Monkey-shaped skull. We jokingly call them “Sea Monkeys”. Its ribs are real fine
ribs, like in a snake. The body tapered down until it turned into this long tail that looked sort of like an eel's tail. That's the closest to relate to something that we've seen on earth. These are aquatic beings. They've grown up in an aquatic environment. They do not like interfacing with humans. They are here to study aspects of the ocean. Not only could they care less about us, and what we're doing, they cannot stand us, because they see us as polluting the ocean and not living in balance with the environment. And we're affecting their program – the program that they're doing under the ocean – their genetic program. When I talk about the 22 genetic experiments, I'm just talking about the humans. There are other things in the ocean that are very important to other beings from other planets. And these aquatic beings are not very happy with the way humans have treated the ocean. And the last thing you ever wanted to do was accidentally happen upon one of their experiment zones, because if you are, they are going to attack with extreme prejudice. They do not like humans at all.


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