Jonathan Rose: Who Was Emanuel Swedenborg?

2 years ago

Emanuel Swedenborg is a fascinating historical figure. Though he was at the top of many of his fields of study in 18th century Europe, he remains relatively unknown in the world today. This may well be because of one of the most unique features of Swedenborg's career: in his mid-fifties, he underwent a series of spiritual experiences that completely changed the trajectory of his life. He reported having extensive visions and insight into the afterlife, the nature of God, and the purpose of life here on earth. He spent the rest of his days writing down and publishing his spiritual findings in an incredibly systematic, coherent way. He ended up writing twenty seven volumes on spirituality, which had a significant impact on many important thinkers of his century and those that followed.

Original YouTube Video:

Curtis Childs: Was Emanuel Swedenborg Crazy?

The Swedenborg Foundation:

Download free e-books and PDFs of Swedenborg's books at the following links:

Heaven and Hell:

Divine Love and Wisdom:

Divine Providence:

True Christianity:

Secrets of Heaven:


Quotes About Emanuel Swedenborg

“The most remarkable step in the religious history of recent ages is that made by the genius of Swedenborg.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I admire Swedenborg as a great scientist and a great mystic at the same time. His life and work have always been of great interest to me.”

— Carl Jung, Psychologist

“For you Westerners, it is Swedenborg who is your Buddha, it is he who should be read and followed!”

— D. T. Suzuki, Zen Buddhist Scholar

“The correlations between what Swedenborg writes of some of his spiritual experiences and what those who have come back from close calls with death report is amazing.”

— Raymond Moody, author of Life After Life

“People who have had near-death experiences peek through the door of the after-life, but Swedenborg explored the whole house.”

— Kenneth Ring, NDE Researcher and co-founder of International Association for Near Death Studies, Inc. (IANDS)

“Let me explain why Swedenborg merits scrutiny. It is a fact that the greatest poets and prose writers have borrowed liberally from him. The list is long: first Blake, as his direct spiritual descendant; then Goethe, a fervent reader of Swedenborg (as was Kant followed by Edgar Allan Poe, Baudelaire, Balzac, Mickiewicz, Slowacki, Emerson, Dostoevsky….)”

— Czeslaw Milosz, 1980 Nobel Prize, Literature

“Swedenborg’s message has meant so much to me! It has given color and reality and unity to my thought of the life to come; it has exalted my ideas of love, truth, and usefulness; it has been my strongest incitement to overcome limitations.”

— Helen Keller


All About Emanuel Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg Quotes


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