Flying the GCM FX F3K RC glider

3 years ago

We fly our GCM FX F3K. A sweet flying low wing F3K or DLG model.
1.5 m span

Details and settings of my model when this was filmed (settings may change)

Gear used-
KST X08 V5 N on Rud/Ele
Blue Bird A10 S on Ailerons
JR 6ch Rx without case
Zepsus nano mag switch
500 mah 1s lipo

CG- 57mm from LE (set in a lot of wind, will adjust on a calm day)
Flying Weight- 238.8 grams

Aileron +11mm -12mm
Elevator +10mm -9mm
Rudder 16mm L/R
Flaps -26mm full down

Ail/Rud mix 5mm L/R

Camber 0-6mm on slider with down elevator mix
Speed -1mm reflex
Launch ( still working on it )
Snap Flap +3mm camber with full up elevator

Recommended GCM settings-

CG- 62-65mm from LE
Reflex- 1mm up ailerons (Aileron throw 8mm up, 6mm down)
Cruise- Ailerons neutral (Aileron throw 10mm up, 6mm down)
Thermal 1- 3mm down ailerons plus snap flap (Aileron throw 6mm up, 3mm down)
Snap Flap- 4mm down ailerons

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