Evergreen deprogramming course and training on reading frequency signatures • 12 hours of content

2 years ago

Back to Basics ~ defeating mind control tactics in our personal lives and reclaiming our core powers is now available in its evergreen version.

Special launching offer until the 11th May 2022 18 pm belgian timezone with a reduction of 70 euros on the regular price

- different forms and signs of programming
- the characteristics of backdrops, the spiritless and Non-Player characters and the SIM and synthetic signatures
- What it means to evolve as a spirited being in this realm ; what does disturb our peace ? What does pull us into drama ? How is trauma used to terraform our reality?
- the analysis of freemasonic symbols and MK Ultra triggers in the entertainment industry, on social media, in the culture that surrounds us up and in the therapy field
- some of the symbology that encourages dissociation
- the analysis of current and past engineered events, engineered wars and conflicts and fabricated polemics counting on outrage
- What is frequency signature ?
- different signatures important for us to open our eyes about: controlled and overtaken public figures, the sex kitten programming signature and sex alters, the gender confusion signature, the signature of gaslighting and fake compliments, the signature of gurus, the voice signature, the distraction signature, the harassment signature
- handling in the work place
- personal photos of me growing up and my surroundings and some of my cover and false memories
- how to work on deepening the connection with our spirit and build more inner peace thanks to a solid knowing about the rules here
- the importance to work on putting our relationships with ourselves first
- some aura analysis working with the Energy ReMastered app from Secret to Everything
- 2 panels for the Energy ReMastered app: Seeing through the worldwide engineering and controlled collective and personal narratives and Reading frequency signatures and piercing through derailment programs

This courses comes with:

- 12 hours of video content
- a review of 750 images and 30 minutes of video analysis
- a bonus episode with a surprise movie and celebrity analysis, signatures in the new age movement and in the electronic music scene
- a group process and a body-scan audio track
- 2 panels for the Energy ReMastered app with 181 items

Full presentation: https://www.ariapersei.com/back-to-basics-defeating-mind-control-tactics-in-our-personal-lives-and-reclaiming-our-core-powers/

Thank you for visiting

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