YAML / Clan Invasion - New Series Prep ep2

2 years ago

These are a short series of videos i recorded on April 12th and 13th in prep for recording a new save using YAML with the Clan Invasion mods. They are merely some instant action missions to give me an idea of what is possible with various weight limits to help me plan what I wanted to accomplish in the new series.

This is my initial Mod List. All of these mods can be found on Nexus Mods with the exception of the Community Asset Bundle (CAB) and the Mech Bundle from the same team. These can be found on ModDB.com. The list is presented here in the order I've set them to run in the MW5 Load Order and Activation Manager mod. Bottom of the list is loaded first, Top of the list is loaded last.

XenoPax Optimize 2.5
330s Pilot Overhaul
Expanded Company Logos
Prime 8s Botanical Splendour
Glowing Cockpit Glass (orange)
Staying Mech Wrecks
Staying Tank Wreckages
Clan Invasion Map and Vehicles Pack
Camo Spec 2.0
Clan Invasion MOd (Beta) (YAML Compatible)
Yet Another Weapon Clan
Yet Another Mechlab
Restore Traits
No Dialog HUD
In The Pit - A BattleMech Cockpit Mod
Battle FX Enhanced
Larger Markets
Lore Style 1 Day Armor Repairs
Mod Options
Mech Bundle (Community Asset Team)
Updated Skip Jumpship Animation
MW5 Compatibility Pack
Community Asset Bundle

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