Jesus hears the cries of the abused, oppressed, persercuted and He cares!!

2 years ago

Jesus cares about those suffering abuse, are oppressed, persercuted and He will give those who abuse others justice, those who fire anyone they want because they don't have a vaccine and jobs say sorry we have to let you go you are dangerous to us, He sees true believers being persercuted by family, friend's, churches, world and killed for their faith because they believe in Jesus not Muhammad, Jehovah witness, Mormon, are not part of a dead lukewarm church building, not loyal to the Chinese or north Korea communist party and are killed for their faith, Jesus will snatch everyone who truly follows Him out of this satanic wicked world and He will heal everyone who suffers from abuse, are oppressed and persercuted!! If the world hates you keep in mind that it hated Me first I pulled you out of the world and it hates those who don't belong to the world, Jesus is coming now!! Do not give up weary bride we are leaving this satanic world forever!!

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