It's Time to Start Growing Your Own Food if You Are Not Already

2 years ago

Full Show Notes:

When the prospects of an impending food shortage or even an economic collapse started really becoming apparent shortly after Joe Biden took office, many of us began looking at "prepping" as a way to secure our family's food supply. Millions of Americans have been prepping for years, even decades, but there has always been a stigma associated with it. This stigma has been mostly manufactured by corporate media and bolstered by a common belief among Americans that things will work themselves out before it gets too bad.

Now, it's clear the likelihood of things working themselves out is very slim. I've spoken ad nauseam about why we became "late preppers" in the last year as well as the signs that massive food shortages are just around the corner. I'm sure I'll post more about it in the near future, but for now, I want to stipulate that if you're reading this or listening to the podcast, you're already in the camp that is either already prepping or getting ready to start.

My wife and I are not green thumbs. We could tag-team the accidental killing of a cactus faster than tossing it in a fire. But knowing what we know, we decided to put our best efforts forward to growing our own fruits and vegetables. It's something we're encouraging everyone to do, even if you're limited in space. Growing food in an apartment is very different from growing on open land. Climate and soil obviously need to be taken into consideration. It may not be possible for literally everyone to do it, but those who can make some adjustments should strongly consider it.

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