Bringing Home Chicks, Specifically Easter Egger. #Chickens #Chicks

2 years ago

We just got Easter Egger Chicks here on the Redfoot Family Homestead!!! They are so darn cute!!! Regardless of that though, we do want to make sure we properly care for their needs until they are full grown!

Let me show you what you need to do in this video.

You can use a Tote or a Large Cardboard Box that is sturdy and has enough space for each chick.

Water/Feed Container:

Heat Lamp, do have a thermometer if you want to know the exact heat or just watch the way your chickens react closely:

Make sure you bought them some feed from Cal-Ranch or where-ever Chicken Feed is sold

Then use Grass and Dirt for the base of their box.


#Chickens #Chicks

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