A disgraceful witness, our reality and choices upon our future.

2 years ago

Firstly, a great big massive thank you to all who subscribe and make it through my waffles, you are a reminder to me that I am not alone nor are you.
Reaching out is not easy once you have been banished from hearts and minds then forever are seen as a fool so I understand how trust is a barrier but I hope to continue to show honesty and openness to all I say and do so if at any time you wish to see a screenshot of my Rumble 'earnings', then you are welcome. As I say, I do not give my details out willynilly and all I have to profit is connections but what I have to lose is the integrity I have nursed these dark years so once again, thanks yer not so crazy buggers.
Much L❤ve. X

In the end you must decide for you and yours as we witness the destruction of known reality.
People around us see no abnormalities but feel a growing urgency to do something, what?
The illusion of voting and hoping has been shattered now for we but Joe and Joanne Normie think its all natural and "how things work" when quite the opposite is true..you know that dirty word, "true", "Truth", go on whisper it but never say out loud or expect a volley of ridicule.
That is the state of humanity and intelligence right now. Myself, I am considered a loser, drop out or waster because I never gave life a chance to truly consume me. I always noticed things but had nobody to talk to, like you, about my thoughts without the white men in coats popping into peoples heads. Y'know what, soon a padded cell will look very tempting as the noise begins and the volume rises until the speakers blow.

Do for you now.

Much L❤ve


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