72 - The Just Shall Live by Faith

3 years ago

Continuing our discussion of the nature of faith, today we study the examples of faith given us in Hebrews 11. Did Jesus "do it all"? He did everything necessary for your salvation, certainly. He lived a perfect life of righteousness that is imputed to you. He also ordained works for you to do in your life, and delights in your doing them.

This Episode Features: Hebrews 11; A Retroactive Recommendation; Aristotle And Pollyanna; Meta-gaming; Justification By Faith; The Book Of Sarah; Who Got THAT Job?; and Maybe The Child Was Glowing.

Transcript: https://bit.ly/2TKSpLj-htz-72

Hebrews 11: https://www.esv.org/Hebrews+11/
Pollyanna - Eleanor Porter: https://amzn.to/3gbhxCk
How Should We Then Live? - Francis A. Schaeffer: https://amzn.to/2Sbq6FC
The Blacklist (2013-): https://amzn.to/34ZxZ3K

Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund: https://amzn.to/3pvtkQe
The Puritan Hope - Iain Murray: https://amzn.to/3z8Z9Tn

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