Celtic badass -Calgacus

2 years ago

Ye Olde Scot - the Celtic culture channel.
Celtic badass -Calgacus lived from - very roughly - AD50 to AD100,. He was the leader of the Caledonians who fought against the Romans at the Battle of Mons Graupius in AD84. Calgacus appears as an important character in the biography of the Roman Governor of Britain, Julius Agricola, De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae, written by his son-in-law, Tacitus, in AD98. Nothing else is known about him from any other source, and there has to be some question about whether he actually existed at all. But if he didn't then someone like him probably did. His name means "the swordsman". And he was a real pain in the Roman's ass.
The Roman conquest of Britain was a process that began with Julius Ceasar's invasion in 56bc, then was completed in AD 43 under Emperor Claudius. However it wasn't easy, a decisive battle ending the Boudican Rebellion took place in Roman Britain in AD 60 or 61, and pitted an alliance of British Celtic peoples led by Boudica against a Roman army led by Gaius Suetonius Paulinus. Although heavily outnumbered, the Romans decisively defeated the allied tribes, inflicting heavy losses on them and crushing the indigenous peoples of Britain leading to the invasion of Southern Britain being largely completed by early 80ad

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