4 17 2022 Easter

2 years ago

The Exalted Christ – Easter 2022
Pastor Gary Denbow
Isaiah 52:13-15

The Servant Songs of Isaiah portray “One sent from God” who would ultimately bring change to this world. What we and our world need today is not a temporary fix. We require an eternal solution. Jesus, the Risen Lord!

1. Christ, in His coming to Earth, would be successful.
• He would act wisely, deal prudently, and prosper in what God sent Him to do.
• He would know the right thing to do and how to do it to accomplish His purpose.
• He would not fail, for He was acting on God’s orders.
2. Christ, in accomplishing God’s plan, would be highly exalted.
• He would be exalted BY God.
• He would be exalted AS God
3. Christ, in His death, would amaze, shock, and astonish.
• Other leaders would not think of assuming the role of suffering servant.
• Jesus’ role was not to change the seat of earthly government.
• He was made to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
4. Christ, in resurrection, ascension, and second coming, would “sprinkle,” “startle,” and “surprise” the nations.
• To suffer, die, and buried is considered worldly defeat. But Christ did not stay in that tomb.
• Jesus Christ in both risen from the dead, having buried our sin, and ascended into heaven.
He will return to claim His own.

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