Why Should I Read the Bible?

3 years ago

Have you ever thought, "What can I really get out of reading the Bible?" "Why is it so important to read and study God's word?"

I'll tell you why.

God's word shows us where to go. How to live. Keeps us off the dark path that the enemy constantly tries to bring across our path. Gives us direction and wisdom. Shows us God's grace and mercy. Leads us to a greater understanding of the unfailing love of Jesus. Breaks barriers in our life that are labeled impossible by human eyes. Stops fear in its tracks. Inspires courage that goes beyond our understanding. Gives us peace when we are walking in the storm. And most importantly, gives us eternal life with our Heavenly Father.

I have found in my days, the more I read, the more faith grows within me, the more inspiration and courage rises up to fight the battles we currently face in the times we are living, and the more love and passion grows within me to shine a light for those looking for Jesus.

Join me as I begin part 1 of a 3 weeks series on, "Why Should I Read the Bible?" Let's see what happens when we choose to believe in the power of God's Word and find out what Jesus' secret was to fighting the enemy!


Facebook: @unveiledlivingwithtraceepadilla
Instagram: @unveiledliving

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