Citigroup Policies Promote Discrimination in the Name of Antiracism

2 years ago

At Citigroup’s annual shareholder meeting on April 26, 2022, Free Enterprise Project (FEP) Program Coordinator Sarah Rehberg presented Proposal 9, which requested an audit of the company’s so-called nondiscrimination policies. These policies, especially in the company’s evaluation of managers and its lending policies, “inevitably promote discriminatory behavior in the name of ‘anti-racism,’” she said.

Rehberg said that by focusing on race and sex in its hiring and assessment of managers, "the company places more value on whether an employee is a woman or a 'traditionally underrepresented minority' than whether that individual has an objective amount of experience or educational qualifications. And it necessarily discriminates against groups that Citigroup doesn’t recognize as 'traditionally underrepresented,' who are held to higher standards on the basis of race and sex.

"This dangerous type of mentality is grounded in principles such as Critical Race Theory, which reduces human existence to surface elements that no one can control – like skin tone or sex."

Rehberg's proposal presentation can be heard in this clip and read here:

More information on FEP can be found here:

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