JESUS PRAYED – Discover the Power of Prayer – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

3 years ago

Jesus Prayed. Nowhere did Jesus pray harder than Gethsemane, yet his prayers seem like they were not answered. Discover the POWER of prayer!
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Video Text:
Jesus Prayed. Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus pray harder than the Garden of Gethsemane, yet as he was crucified, his prayers seem like they were not answered. But as we look closer, we’ll discover proof of the enormous power of prayer.

There are thousands of prayer-filled places scattered throughout the Holy Land, but surprisingly, one of the most incredible is the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus went to pray after the last supper. It’s an unexpected surprise because when we read this story in the Bible there is no way we can ever imagine the real topography or the layout of the land.

The Bible simply says how Jesus went there with his disciples and asked them to pray while he went ahead, all alone to pray. We can read how the disciples fell asleep. And we can read and probably imagine how Judas and the soldiers came and arrested Jesus...

But when you are sitting in the actual garden – it truly comes alive – because until you are actually there, you’d never know that Gethsemane is only a ten-minute downhill walk from Jerusalem. And when you’re sitting in the garden, there is only one way to look and that is out and across a little valley. There you’ll see the towering walls of the city of Jerusalem and above those walls – Jesus would have seen the temple.

Now imagine being Jesus – all alone in the dark. Praying while seeing the giant city gates open. Praying while watching as Roman soldiers march out these gates with their lanterns and torches. Praying while watching them line up in attention. Praying while his disciples slept. Praying while the sins and weight of the whole world marched in military fashion, down the hill and directly toward him. Praying while knowing full well what would happen next.

Yes, Jesus prayed. No wonder Jesus sweat blood.

All he had to do to escape, was simply walk a few steps back into the dark woods. But with raw courage and enough love to die for you and me, Jesus stayed put and continued to pray.

Yes, Jesus prayed…. He had fallen face down before God to pray – and we can only imagine the agony and earnestness inside his words, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Mat 26:39NLT

There is no doubt – absolutely none – that Jesus did not want to suffer. He had witnessed crucifixions and seen bloody corpses hanging from crosses as he walked through Israel. These crosses of death – deliberately placed next to public roads – were graphic and horrid symbols from Rome – saying don’t even think about crossing us.

At first glance we may think that Jesus prayer was not answered as the soldiers marched toward him, arrested, falsely accused, ridiculed, tortured and killed him with the most violent death that Rome could inflict.

Certainly, none of the twelve disciples could grasp the enormity of what happened to their leader, their savior, their Jesus – the one they had placed their hope in. Instead, these disciples hid in a room, terrified for a Roman knock on their door as they wondered, “What good could possibly come of this.” And with utter dismay they must have muttered, “How could God have allowed this to happen?”

Which brings this story back to you and me two thousand years later. We can only praise God that we get to see the incredible view. The view of being able to look backward, with perfect 20/20 hindsight as we say, “Of course! Of course, God Almighty allowed Jesus the freedom to walk into those dark woods and escape.”

This was the only way that Jesus could possibly feel the total impact of choosing to become fully separated from God. Of course, we understand that Jesus took on our full punishment that we deserve as he was utterly and completely abandoned by God. No wonder Jesus cried in agony in his last words as he quoted scripture, “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me!” Psalm 22:1 and Matthew 27:46

Yes, Jesus prayed to escape this horrible death sentence. But so much more than that he prayed to have the strength to follow God’s will. And follow it he did.

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