Natural Law, Common Law, Admiralty Law, Maritime law,, Civil law and more

2 years ago

Live with Dwayne Richards Natural Law, Common Law, Admiralty Law, Maritime law, Civil Law if you want to join please click the link

My fellow Sovereigns , we have all heard that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results – what we have been doing is insane.

For all intent and purpose the so called constitutions that were supposedly to protect unalienable rights lies dormant with barely a whisper of life but I hear the underpinnings of things to come – more tyranny – more regulation – more government control – more tax – and a still small voice that says no more, no further.

No longer must we stand idly by and do nothing; it is time to stop the charade of de-facto Constitutional Government and force them to comply with Natural law of the land,and demand they step down and if they do not then it is time for “We the People” to do something – let your heart and conscience be your guide to what Must be done!

The mass crimes they commit for their UN Agenda 21 Must Be Stopped. You know it , I know it, So lets get organized to end it before they Murder More People.

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