The Watcher's Report Weekly Prophecy Update for April 10th, 2022

2 years ago

Weekly prophecy update with Pastor John Abent and Pastor David Diskin. In this Program we show how the just were we are at in relationship to the approaching end of the church age. We are in the beginning of Sorrows that Jesus warned about. Seals -2 is in progress and Seal three will soon hit the world with food shortages, famine and inflation. What follows will be mass death becasue of the 4th seal, then followed by Christian persecution. NO WE ARE NOT IN THE TRIBULATION! We are in THE BIRTH PANGS OF THE END OF THE AGE! Also in this video we will begin a discussion about the Philadelphia and Laodicean churches of today. You do not want to be in a Laodicean Church Finally we will discuss the "Religion of Politics" Or what we are calling RELITICS. Politics and government in particular is the devils playground and the only way we can keep the devil at bay is to elect Bible believing, God of the Bible fearing individuals to office. The devil hates Christians in government becasue they are mostly people with high moral values which are not for sale. .

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